Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vapors called life

Life truly is but a vapor. A thought of mine, one I've had for quite some time, is, how can people truly live and go throughout their lives thinking there's no after life, no guarantees except the next breath then their 6 ft. under and just pitch black. My point in all of this is the fact that, even if you think there is nothing after this small life we currently hold, why wouldn't you want to chase something and be curious and have hope. Hope that you'll see your loved ones with you in heaven, hope that their is something else besides this pain, depression, recession, and corruptness that we see around us today. We see no tomorrow sometimes for two different reasons. One being that life's foot is pushing you so far down against the ground, that you feel as if you can't get back up, that there's no possible way to take one step forward, because every time you do, you're hurt, you're left with nothing but regret, and bruises only the heart can feel. The second reason, is why all of us should believe in no tomorrow. You want to make the best decisions and the best impression in people's lives that you can get to in a 24 hour span. You breathe life and those around you see gold when you come into a room. You live your life knowing, their might not be a tomorrow, but there will be a heaven the next day. We should all strive for this. Money, power, fame, all of those things are so pointless in this life. We're wasting our time getting empowerment from having more than others. We need to live, if you break it down to the simplest possible wording and something that everyone can understand, that you can spill out to someone and let them walk away with knowledge, more so when they first came around, then you've done good. It's this simple, We live to enjoy, materials, plastic and electricity and cash, in the form of paper bills, these things I have listed can not love back, they can't see you and understand you like the one you love, or should I say to this day thought you loved, my point, and the simplicity I promised you, we worship and love the things that could never love us back. On a more dramatic note, and depressing, we wait till we're eighty, alone and cold, missing the one you spent the last 52 years with, that they meant more to us than anything we ever invested time in before they were gone. We choose to learn from our mistakes, but that shouldn't be what's taught. We can't afford to waste time waiting for a mistake to teach us a marvelous way to live our life. Because like many things in life, sometimes the single mistake we make causes us to lose everything we've ever worked for, yearned for, and obtained throughout the years we've lived. See, without the one in your life that you know is most important, you haven't truly lived. You've only survived.

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