Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chivalry hasn't died, but Courage has been trampled

        What happened to hopeless romantics, those that dare to express their feelings because they find someone beautiful, someone magnificent, someone absolutely brilliant. They said chivalry died, but honestly, it hasn’t. What truly has died over the last few decades, is men’s courage. What modern day media has pounded in our heads is that women should be trashy, not tie themselves down, play games with men’s heads, and make fun of the chivalrous men, that dare to be different, and dare to put it all out there. These are guys that get called creepy, get called crazy, because they have a heart. Men have been taught a lesson while women were learning theirs, and that is one that shows us that we should be caught up in ourselves, conceited, infatuated with money and success, and use women, as a means for sex, bragging rights, and so we feel comfortable when the woman we’re cheating on them with isn’t available.

        So what happened to chivalry? Well, for women born after about….1986 or so, they’ve slowly learned to act like God’s gift to earth and mock the sweet hearted gentlemen of America, and instead look for a project, something they have to fix, when these individuals are far from being fixable. You’ll hear many women complain about the way they’re treated, how horrible he is, yet they stay. Very few break out of the chains that bind them to this mistreatment, but the few that do run into the arms of the gentleman that wants nothing more than her heart, and to love her the way he does at that moment, and see her as a 22 year old, hair tangled in a mess beauty, even when they’re 85 and slowly ending this pretty thing called life, but some do. For the rest, they continue to get hurt until life’s past them by in a whirlwind full of pain. Then there are the ones that stay true to themselves through thick and thin and wait for their “knight in shining armor” type of man. It might be years, months, or weeks before he finds her, but when he does, she thanks God and he does the same, and they succeed. These girls, the true women that I adore and respect, I hope to find my own one day, someday. Bu for now, I’ll wait, and if she doesn’t come along, then it’s not what God had planned for me. It’ll be a bitter pill to swallow, but I’ll do it, and move on, and be thankful for what I do have, and use that to my highest potential. I see people settle, and end in divorce, I’ll never do this.

        Women, they are God’s beautiful creation, and they are, all beautiful. For a man to seek one out to sheerly disrespect, well, he’s not a man, he’s a waste of God given life. I’m going to continue being myself, and pray that one day I’ll find her. I’ll continue being myself, sharing my feelings way to early, opening the door and paying for the dinner, and along the way get called crazy and have people talk bad about me while they are dating someone with a criminal record, and I’m fine with that. Because, even though I might be crazy, at least I didn’t settle, and I know that she wasn’t the one for me. One day, I’ll open my mouth too much and say something I shouldn’t of said so early, and instead of being told, “You’re crazy!”, I’ll be told, “I love you.”. That’ll be the day and that’ll be the day and I’ll kiss the very ground I walk on and thank God for this big dance. I’ll go to bed that night and rest my head on my pillow and know, it all payed off, and I didn’t settle.

Also that she has never watched a single episode of Jersey Shore. (LOL)

God Bless,

Brandon Walsh

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