Sunday, March 17, 2013


What drives people? Keeps people going day in and day out and gives them the ideas and fantasies that one day they’ll have a family, or a wife, or a new job or a new car, house, what drives people to have these ambitions and goals. When we were born, day in and day out from that point we were never told, where you are, where you are right now is where you’ll always be, it was always taught that there will be progress, and that one day, not now, but one day we’ll have it all, like a king ruling over a kingdom. Most of this were taught by people that didn’t practice what they preached, they never laid it all on the line and chased the dream they had and caught it. Growing up when asked what you want to be when you’re older, many of us say astronauts, or doctors, lawyers, etc. Why is it that so few of us seize these dreams, dream like a child when we age and still believe they can be accomplished, why are we told we can do anything if we set our minds to it and then suddenly you hit 21 and you’re out of school and that statement is completely switched around. We’re told we’re no good, we’re worthless, we can’t do it, we are not capable. Funny how society works, the same people that were your biggest fans yesterday, are the ones that mock you the next.

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