Wednesday, March 20, 2013

College-Financial Tragedy

        I’ve had a problem for quite awhile now accepting the fact that I dish out around 12,000 for tuition and books every year at a University that honestly, I take nothing away from. The knowledge, the skills they think they’re blessing me with that they deserve oh so much money for, is complete and utter bullshit. Life skills, those are what will get me through, oh, I don’t know, life? The applications and structure of the modern day is like most things in this world, corrupt. Everyone is out to make a dollar, making college students take general education courses that do not apply to my degree at all, all for a buck. I sometimes question if I could make it on my own. Maybe I could write a book, backpack across America, couch hopping and doing odd jobs for money. Maybe I could live simple, and let the world teach me the lessons of life, instead of those that have never truly seen the world or even contemplated why it spins on its axis, why the grass is green, why the birds fly, why we exist and what we’re existing and living for, most of these teaching me, “life skills”, are just surviving. This is something that’s maybe something I’m a little frustrated about, but maybe I have a right to be. Just a thought.

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