Thursday, June 20, 2013
New Post Coming Tonight
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Deaf to Why
I write because I want to write, don't ask me why, I say this yet I get asked all the time, why do you write all the time, come out and hang out tonight, lets get slammed, other nonsense and the like. When you have a dream to achieve and you want it more than anything you don't need to give people your answer as to why you're doing what you're doing, that's a question that is imp laced in a conversation between you and yourself, that's it, no one else needs to know you're reasoning. When people started to ask me what I was doing this summer and I proceeded to tell them I'm working on a book, I received many laughs, to be honest, I laugh harder at them intrinsically knowing that their laughs are out of jealousy, because while they're working a dead end job or any career field really, just to make a quick dollar and cash it in for a new car or some other material possession that really, pardon me, doesn't mean a rats ass, I laugh. I have no more of a response to the question why than I would to someone asking me the most complex theories known to man and how the atoms and neutrons made stars, evolved to fish and monkeys and us and what not. People have thrown away words of admiration towards an individual doing something they love and brings them clear and utter joy, to pass out our insults and show our low self esteem for the day at it's finest display.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
"Anxiety is the natural result, of when our hopes are centered on anything but God and his will for us."
Billy Graham
I'll use a few quotes from an article I received from my father throughout this post, he had left it on the kitchen table wide open on an article Billy Graham wrote back in early 2009. The article was titled, "The Cure for the Anxious Heart". MY dad left this open knowing my anxiety problems. They'd been their my whole life but started to get more severe and sometimes result in a panic attack, this was one of the reasons I ended up seeing a psychologist, which as many of you know that follow my blog, this is when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. After reading this article and knowing how much Xanax a day I have to take, is it possible that my anxiety isn't as much related to a chemical imbalance, or more to due with the fact that my relationship with God has been more than lacking lately and never been fully sustained. Anxiety to get a new job or a promotion at the one you already to have, anxiety in college to pass your chem. lab because you know you've been slacking the whole semester which inevitably leaves you with an F going into finals week, anxiety in every aspect of life comes during the times when we are farthest from God and depend solely on ourselves to get through the hardship we are currently in, which the majority of the time, leaves us heartbroken and confused, and in the most tragic cases, a life lost because the anxiety in their life coming from their parents, the job they had and taking a full course load at a major university got to them, and they couldn't take the hurt and weight of the world on their shoulders so they decided the only option they had, was to end their life.
Billy Graham goes on in his article to say, "When we make anything else our goal, frustration and defeat are inevitable.". We look for things for happiness that are material and at sometimes black and white sin, we know they're wrong but they make us happy so we continue doing them. The goals we strive for should reflect what we want in life and who is giving us that want, you can make that a humanly figure for yours, or you can reflect God. I don't reflect very often, actually I rarely do, but the point of starting this blog was indeed to help others see what I've seen and to stand up when you've dug a thousand mile hole and don't know how you'll ever get out of it and repay people what you owe them for your sins. Well here is something great about God, you don't owe them for your sins, you owe God, you repent and ask for his forgiveness and you then strive to do perfect. Perfect is unobtainable, but when you strive for it, you're striving for the greatest thing you can. Perfect isn't a number in sales you completed or an amount of money you made this year or how well you do in school or even the girl that's at your high school or college known as "Virgin Mary", no, perfect is reflecting God's perfection and his beauty to the best of your ability, sharing that reflection upon the world, and doing everything you can and all you have, to leave behind lives you touched all over the earth, leading them to God as you once were in their same shoes. That's what perfect is. We all can be perfect, we all can. Whether you're an ex-convict, on drugs, left your children, ruined your life completely and have no clue how you'll ever be able to fix your parents, murderers, adulterers, liars, people with pride and boast, those who are quick to anger, anyone and everyone on this earth that once was and continues to be, you are a beautiful creation, don't let someone hold you down, and tell you you're any less.
If someone want's to try and drag you down for being different for changing your life, you change theirs, don't abandon them, bring them to the point where you are, and that will bring your more contentment than even when you fell in love with God and realized this is what you had to do, to actually be you.
It's discipleship, one brings one to God, them walks with him and brings three more to the lord. This can be done, I've heard many say once you've came to have a relationship with Christ those that bring you down, you need to separate yourself. I agree to this to an extent, maybe when you become a new Christian the pressure and possible negative comments those friends will throw you, will bring you down if you aren't prepared, but this is again, where discipleship plays part, once saved your are walked side by sided with a disciple and shown the ways of are heavenly father and how to, eventually when the time is right, disciple others, which leaves me to believe that that will be the time where you could reach your friends again, those that you weren't prepared to reach at first.
Prior to these last few paragraphs I mentioned my anxiety problems and how I feel they could and are caused by my lack of a relationship with God. On top of this relationship lacking I have now discontinued my enrollment at the school I have been at upon graduating high school, which is Oklahoma State University, leaving there to finish some general education requirements and follow my dream of becoming an author, which is a goal in which I hope to have my first book published by December of this year, titled, 'Perfect Imperfections'. I know one thing indefinitely, I'm going to need an editor and publisher, so for all of you reading this, please send and email my way if you don't mind and have anyone in mind that could set me up with either of this industries. Pressing on to the topic of anxiety. When I seen the release year of this article, as I mentioned, 2009, I figured to an extent it would be outdated, well, I was wrong. It is outdated in the form of time, but in the form of accuracy, not so. Billy Graham talks about the biggest anxieties we face, those being the ability to have and supply ourselves with food, clothing, shelter, and money. Not a thing has changed since the release of that. We have these anxieties because many of us, living in this time and day, are living pay check to pay check, so we fear that the unexpected will happen and not have the money when the bills come, many of us in fact so called Christians forget God in times like these and when they turn out wrong, we blame him and sometimes deny him. Now I'm not saying I've never doubted God, because I fought with him and even his existence for a year, but that happens, you know why?; we're human beings and we fail and sin and make mistake after mistake, yet we have someone that can forgives us and clear our conscious after shedding light on things and letting us have an opportunity to correct our actions. When doubts come, take a step back and one that leads you outside, look at the beauty and brilliance of the earth. How the wind blows the trees and the birds fly as free and light as they can be, reflecting the amount of anxiety they have in their hearts. Watch a sunrise in the morning, and that night watch a sunset, and explain how "Science" and their Big Bang Theory just so perfectly placed everything the way it is. On a breezy summer night with your loved one by your side laying down with you on the dew glazed grass looking up at the billions of stars hanging as if held by strings in a European Theater, dangling perfectly with a shimmer of the most brilliant diamond you have ever saw, and then with that feeling and sight you see those diamonds in his or her eyes, those diamonds not being present to anyone but you two. Science can give me every reason as to how man and earth were evolved and came from atoms and neurons and all things I very well know exist, but very well know that atom came from somewhere, I believe, that God may just have put that atom there to create the existence of earth, bit of a crazy theory, but God works off faith, not sight and physical presence, he did that once, and we mocked the one he sent and put him up on a cross. I believe that by putting that atom there and giving us every explanation as to how the earth and man came to be but leaving the most important piece of the puzzle a mystery, where, where did that atom come from, by doing this, Christians, have to have faith, he demands it, and this shows our trust and loyalty to him.
I may look irrational to many, but I'd rather be care free and irrational than rational, because at least I have hope.
Billy Graham left the message, with an alter call, for those that don't know what that is, it's when a pastor welcomes those who are not saved, have not accepted Christ as their lord and savior, to lay down their life for him. I'm going to leave on this note.
*"O God, I am a sinner. I'm sorry for my sin. Forgive me. I want to turn from my sin. I receive Jesus Christ as my Savior; I confess Him as my Lord. From now on I want to follow him. In Jesus' Name. Amen.**
If you just prayed that prayer, you are now saved, from your sins, and have a spot and heaven waiting your arrival, you now have hope, every day of your life from here on, you just got a clean slate. I encourage all of you or any if you go to Church or know anyone that does, contact your pastor or youth pastor and tell them of your decision, so you can now be descipled. If you feel comfortable I'm always available by email, if you would like to leave me and email I can get you plugged in somewhere and if not do the best and most I can do to make sure that happens. For those of you that prayed that prayer, I welcome you as a brother or sister in Christ and promise you just made the best decision of your life.
THank you,
God Bless
P.S. THank you for your patience on the length in between my last post and now, I highly appreciate it. I have many post saved up and ready to share, so more to come.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Intoxicating nights but I get no sleep, insomnia creeps in like an unwanted thief.
I lie awake dreading the dawn for I know before too long another day is upon for I am here but actually gone.
Restless at heart and mind looking for ways to occupy my time as I lie awake in worry like the ground below me hopes for the weatherman to say pouring rain, and while I wait I sit in pain thinking about the ways that could, should, and would of been one day, if I just hadn’t put my selfishness in the way.
I can’t go on like this but I must otherwise I’ll go back where I came from, a meaningless collection of dust.
Sleeping was meant for living and living was meant for seeing and seeing was meant for believing and believing was meant for saving and the end, was made for dying. Yet, I set trying, trying for better things but I let them slip away, and at the end of the day my crying that comes from the idea of dying, leaves me in shame.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Let's try some poetry
Why does the grass continue to grow and the sun agree to rise when all that was once good in this land decided to die.
Hunger and corruption, racism and war, go on once more as the government and powerful few, wipe there brow and count there bills with pride as if we never knew.
Life isn't fair, unless it's in love and war, but that'r rather contradicting if you stop and think, because we all know these two things lead to pain.
See, we all ignore the call we once awoke every day to proclaim, now we turn our back on a high and mighty spirit in the sky as if in shame.
One day we'll see it all fall and put the wonder to the side as we knew this was all that mattered, after all.
We had pastors and prophets, poets and folk lords, all telling us as if they were Bob Dylan that the Times-are-a-changin', yet we were too blind to see the need. We all had them tell us it was surely true, yet we all came together as one for just an instant, and for the reason to sing a song we continue to sing as we cast these wise few aways.
Days, they continue to go by, and I cast my why's aside and watch my brothers and sisters look up to the sky, and turn to one another, asking why?
Thursday, May 2, 2013
He's a poet, and he knows it
Bob Dylan,
Thats all I have to say……
Just kidding. Bob Dylan, he’s a poet, yet many over the years have criticized him for years do to his rebellious lyrics and rants and the rough voice he blares them with, the problem that these critics have, he’s different, and he doesn’t care. A strange thing there is about being different. The thing that is odd about it is the fact that many care about what others think about them, those people stay contained and never let their real talents shine through. The one’s that our different, they let their light shine through and get criticism for it. This just simply, isn’t right. Da Vinci, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Jesus Christ, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Alan Watts, and on and on and on. These are just a few examples of people that could care less what people thought about them, and look where they went in life and the footprint they left on society.
God Bless us “weird” people,
A personal ventings session
Sorry, angry rant, not right, but I had to get it out
God Bless, and have a wonderful day
Sunday, April 7, 2013
New post coming tonight
God Bless
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Request for follows on twitter
As always,
God Bless.
The Underlying Meaning Part II
Do we benefit society? The earth in which we live on, we continuously destroy this wondrous journey we received as a gift to simply explore. We were given a chest, or a suitcase, and within that fill with the contents that made peace to us, and became one with us. The first time you walked, and fell down. The first time you remember blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. Your first crush, along with a kiss, your first love, the time you lost her, the time you found her in the rain, tangled up in love with you. The time you seen her in all white and her father walking her down to you, to have as yours, and protect. The time you had your first child. The time you seen them blow out their candles on that first birthday. The time you see them walk out the door and tell you they love you, as they go on to take the world by the throat and use all you’ve taught he or she to conquer it . You now have no words to say how you feel about having to let them go, they’re no longer yours to protect. The time goes on and on, and then the time comes where you look at the past 70 years of your life and wonder how you got here, then you look over to your wife, and still see and smell the rain on her skin, on that night you almost lost her 50 years ago. This is when you take that chest you were given and stow away all these precious things, for you know there’s not much time left, so you have to make the most of what you have left. So I say stow away all these things, all of ten, this, this is life, we all know how unfair it is, and how nasty it can be. For when these moments happen, these that bring us happiness, love, laughter, tears of joy, and sorrow over a lost one, stow them away. We get one life upon this earth. There is so much evil, so much wickedness here, but what there is more of, more than anything else on this earth, is good. We sometimes choose to ignore it, say there’s no way any good could come out of this, or that, or him, or her, but there can, and will be a way. WE must come together in the times of need in our lives, and take a good look in the mirror, and ask ourselves, do I love me, do I find myself enjoyable to be around? If you can’t say yes to these questions, then how would others answer these questions about you? If your existence isn’t benefiting the earth, then why are you here? You’re wasting your life away, only to leave with an empty trunk and a head full of hurtful memories you couldn’t let go. My experience, I’ve told you the bits and pieces, I’ll press on. This is my story, and this is when I was wasting my time.
Living and dealing with Bipolar Disorder isn’t easy, it’s really damn hard to be completely honest. Up until a month ago, I struggled, and limped in my heart, I couldn’t process, everyday task became obstacles, life in general was a euphoric state of mind. I was mindlessly wandering around looking for a life I once had, looking for friends I once had, but they weren’t there. I blamed them for awhile, then blamed myself, then started to take out my frustration and sheer anger that came with these feelings of guilt and depression through the use of my medication in large amounts, to the point where overdosing wasn’t a question when I opened up the bottle. I would stay up for days upon days, upon days, smoked cheap cigarettes, let my physical health take a beating, lost 28 pounds in a six month span, at points from the hits my health was taking, and functionality of my internal organs slowly shutting down, it would be just me, and a bathroom sink, lunging over it crying and dry heaving to the point where all I could get out was coughs that carried blood.
Eyes bloodshot at all times, dazed and confused, wrinkles under my eyelids along with the purple skin to accompany them. I lived a reckless lifestyle, and the medication was supposed to make me, “sane”, and “normal”. The only thing it was helping me do was push every, single, one of my loved ones, out of my life, till, soon enough, it was just me myself and I, and occasionally the shadows on the wall, or the random one night stand girls that would come over. Suddenly I had lost it all, the popularity, my girl, my friends, my faith in God. All of this sounds so cliche, and it will sound more so when I continue, but let me just say, cliche is a word you should throw out of your precious little head, this was a the closest I could be to a living hell, without actually winding up there. Suddenly, going to class wasn’t a priority, waking up wasn’t either, because when I finally could go to sleep, it wasn’t out of will, it was simply our of instinct from my body. See, I didn’t have insomnia, what I had was fear. With my lack of will to live, and my health being worse than some cancer patients, I was afraid I wouldn’t wake up. So my diet to keep me wake for two to three days, was nothing but adderall after adderall, at times the effects of them weren’t even noticeable, so I’d double up, putting 60mg of instant release amphetamines directly in my system at once, then when that was beyond the point of feeling, I’d occasionally take one out of the bottle, cut it in half, take a half, crush it up with a butter knife, arrange it in a pretty line, and snort it up like a coke addict, sending my heart into an instant whirlwind of high bpm’s.
I’m nowhere, by any means proud of this chapter of my life, but, it’s shaped me, it took me through places and valley’s I never thought I’d be in, and after, when this story ends and a new one begins, you’ll see where I am today, and how by the grace of God, I pulled through a nightmare. The person I was then, and who I am now, well, those two people will never be the same, and I thank God every day for that.
SOme things many people don’t get to see unless they’re a drug addict or living a completely mentally unstable life. One of those things, I experienced twice, staying up throughout the night, and watching the sun rise up over the hills, glistening it’s light off the water, and revealing pure and raw beauty. Then there would come the sunset, int he same day, showing it’s final presence with the dawn, then gradually bowing and saying, “I hope you see me tomorrow Brandon, just stay strong.”. I can’t explain why or how, but in those moments of seeing and experiencing that beauty, I felt, normal. I felt alive and well and like God was smiling down on me, showing his presence with that ray of light. I wouldn’t do anything with this mercy though, as soon as I had captured that moment, I would go back into my apartment from the porch, turn around, lock the door, draw the blinds, and sink back into my pit of depression.
I was crazy, I hated that word and being called it, but I knew I was deep down, and I think that’s why it bothered me so much looking back now. I tried to go to the library, and coffee shops, because there were my friends, people I had never once spoke to, never seen, I didn’t know them, they didn’t know me, and that’s why they were my friends. They knew nothing about my past or present, they knew no mistakes I had made or people I had hurt, they just seen a junkie looking kid who was scared, and they didn’t care. But that’s when I realized that these people were nothing more than sheer human beings, and exactly as I said, they didn’t care, never once was I asked to join them, eat or sit and converse, I was alone, and eventually this just made me feel more helpless.
I used to look at people and think, I’m better than them, look at what I’m driving, and wearing, and doing, now, showing up in places, smelling like smoke and looking like hell, I was getting those looks from those around me, the judgmental looks I once cast on society. I knew what they were thinking, because I was once them, just a few months before those moments. I knew I couldn’t keep living like this, every day I’d say, tomorrow, I’ll step forward tomorrow, but it never happened, I wasn’t a man of my word, and a man is only as good as his word, and I couldn’t even hold that to myself. This is when my all nighters turned into all day and night sleepers. Take a Xanex, run a hot bath, take another Xanex, maybe drink a beer, take one more occasionally, and to go sleep at 11 p.m. and wake up at 5 p.m. the next day, feeling worthless.
I remember waking up one time and going into my kitchen to find open pizza boxes from my day upon day ordering in so I wouldn’t have to go outside and see the sun, it started to hurt my eyes. To my surprise, or should I say not, I went into the kitchen that morning looking for my meds, and to my surprise, or should I say not, I was out of my Xanex, and instant feet and anxiety hit me like a hammer.
I can’t even recall the next days to follow that fear and calamity. The only thing I can remember was the vivid hallucinations from withdrawals. Vivid images of people being beside me, or following me, or being outside my bedroom window, or on my porch, and hearing my name constantly being called out yet no one was within a thousand feet in sight. I was terrified, and for the first time in all this, actually was fearful for my life, and if I was granted them, the days ahead in this.
There comes the point where you recognize something, to put it into a Bob Dylan perspective, there was a quote I once seen by him, “If you don’t dig you, how do you expect others to dig you.”, forgive me if that isn’t completely how he worded it. I didn’t dig me, in fact, I had sheer hatred for myself. I seen another person in the mirror, a coward, someone that threw it all away because he expected people to be there for him, when he was never there for them in the past when they need him. I seen someone who was using his sickness as a crutch, rather than a motivation to do better, and fight for a normal and consistent life. I seen a disgrace to God and the creation he had made. I seen death in the form of a lifestyle.
I thought, what now, well, so what now? I was a young man that had lost all dreams, goals, ambitions, hope, friends, love, life, my mind, and even my heart.
The rest is yet to come in this story, for this a story far too long for a brief sit-down. But I will throw in a spoiler and say this, I’m alive and well. I’m able to share this story because of the love of Christ and his grace that he has for me and had for me during this trial in my life and faith. I was released of this binding ball and chain that had been a disease in my life. I was set free, and because of this, and my savior, I’m able to share this story today, with you. If I can’t do anything through this, but one thing, I hope that this saves someone, and brings them to God, that’s all I pray and ask for.
I’ll finish with a quote, by a man named Jim Valvano. As Jim said in a speech given at the Espy’s during his last year of life, before he was taken by cancer, some of his last words were, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”
“If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. That’s a heck of a week, you’re going to have something special.”
Jim Valvano.
God bless.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
New week three
2 Corinthians 1:3-5
New week three 3/23/13
2 Corinthians 5:16-17
Because of our history or our past. We often do not feel new
Our hurts.
Our habits.
Baggage. We hold on to our history. Not letting things go. Feeling our legitimate,but they are not facts.
[X] One of the ways you can know you're new in Christ is that we are forgiven from our past.
[X] We are healed from our hurts
Isaiah 61:1
Jesus has came to bind the broken heart
Ephesians 4:21-24
John 8:36
Colossians 3:9-10
God Bless,
Brandon Wayne Walsh
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Conventionality is a refusal to change
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Chivalry hasn't died, but Courage has been trampled
What happened to hopeless romantics, those that dare to express their feelings because they find someone beautiful, someone magnificent, someone absolutely brilliant. They said chivalry died, but honestly, it hasn’t. What truly has died over the last few decades, is men’s courage. What modern day media has pounded in our heads is that women should be trashy, not tie themselves down, play games with men’s heads, and make fun of the chivalrous men, that dare to be different, and dare to put it all out there. These are guys that get called creepy, get called crazy, because they have a heart. Men have been taught a lesson while women were learning theirs, and that is one that shows us that we should be caught up in ourselves, conceited, infatuated with money and success, and use women, as a means for sex, bragging rights, and so we feel comfortable when the woman we’re cheating on them with isn’t available.
So what happened to chivalry? Well, for women born after about….1986 or so, they’ve slowly learned to act like God’s gift to earth and mock the sweet hearted gentlemen of America, and instead look for a project, something they have to fix, when these individuals are far from being fixable. You’ll hear many women complain about the way they’re treated, how horrible he is, yet they stay. Very few break out of the chains that bind them to this mistreatment, but the few that do run into the arms of the gentleman that wants nothing more than her heart, and to love her the way he does at that moment, and see her as a 22 year old, hair tangled in a mess beauty, even when they’re 85 and slowly ending this pretty thing called life, but some do. For the rest, they continue to get hurt until life’s past them by in a whirlwind full of pain. Then there are the ones that stay true to themselves through thick and thin and wait for their “knight in shining armor” type of man. It might be years, months, or weeks before he finds her, but when he does, she thanks God and he does the same, and they succeed. These girls, the true women that I adore and respect, I hope to find my own one day, someday. Bu for now, I’ll wait, and if she doesn’t come along, then it’s not what God had planned for me. It’ll be a bitter pill to swallow, but I’ll do it, and move on, and be thankful for what I do have, and use that to my highest potential. I see people settle, and end in divorce, I’ll never do this.
Women, they are God’s beautiful creation, and they are, all beautiful. For a man to seek one out to sheerly disrespect, well, he’s not a man, he’s a waste of God given life. I’m going to continue being myself, and pray that one day I’ll find her. I’ll continue being myself, sharing my feelings way to early, opening the door and paying for the dinner, and along the way get called crazy and have people talk bad about me while they are dating someone with a criminal record, and I’m fine with that. Because, even though I might be crazy, at least I didn’t settle, and I know that she wasn’t the one for me. One day, I’ll open my mouth too much and say something I shouldn’t of said so early, and instead of being told, “You’re crazy!”, I’ll be told, “I love you.”. That’ll be the day and that’ll be the day and I’ll kiss the very ground I walk on and thank God for this big dance. I’ll go to bed that night and rest my head on my pillow and know, it all payed off, and I didn’t settle.
Also that she has never watched a single episode of Jersey Shore. (LOL)
God Bless,
Brandon Walsh
College-Financial Tragedy
I’ve had a problem for quite awhile now accepting the fact that I dish out around 12,000 for tuition and books every year at a University that honestly, I take nothing away from. The knowledge, the skills they think they’re blessing me with that they deserve oh so much money for, is complete and utter bullshit. Life skills, those are what will get me through, oh, I don’t know, life? The applications and structure of the modern day is like most things in this world, corrupt. Everyone is out to make a dollar, making college students take general education courses that do not apply to my degree at all, all for a buck. I sometimes question if I could make it on my own. Maybe I could write a book, backpack across America, couch hopping and doing odd jobs for money. Maybe I could live simple, and let the world teach me the lessons of life, instead of those that have never truly seen the world or even contemplated why it spins on its axis, why the grass is green, why the birds fly, why we exist and what we’re existing and living for, most of these teaching me, “life skills”, are just surviving. This is something that’s maybe something I’m a little frustrated about, but maybe I have a right to be. Just a thought.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Moving on
God Bless
Monday, March 18, 2013
Underlying meaning of the title
My title of this blog that I came up with might sound a little funny to most, and maybe that’s because I’ve not been very open as to why I named it this. Well, here it goes. Last summer, summer of 2012, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I remember sitting in the doctors office after I underwent several psychological evaluations over the past few weeks prior to this, and they, without a doubt, knew this was my diagnosis. I didn’t take it very hard, in fact I thought it was a joke. Little did I know what the next seven months had in store for me. I walked out of that office with a lot of information packets and guides to inform me just what I was dealing with. I went back to my apartment, and after about an hour or so of reading and research on the internet, the punch was a lot harder than what I received at the office. One out of ten people with this disorder get married, out of those they have a higher chance of divorce than the average rate of the rest of the citizens that make up the US, which is around fifty percent. I found that this is something you can’t cure, medication and dieting the right way along with exercise were the best way to cope with the effects and moods, but I seen that as more of a tylenol, just something to cover up or temporarily take away the pain. I know the pain I had dealt with over most of the course of high school, the secluding myself for several days, then being on an all time high and spending ridiculous amounts of money, which belonged to my parents. I remember the constant insults, that I was a spoiled brat, that I was an asshole to girls, that I was just a worthless person. I remember the constant sex I sought out to try and find happiness, the things I would by to try and find happiness, the things I would do to try and cope with my depression, my anxiety, my sheer anger. It all started to piece together and made sense. Most would of felt a sense of relief at this point, knowing what it was that had been causing all this and that now they could be treated, me, ya, I told people this and went along with it, but inside, it felt like a demon was eating me alive. Going into the school year, my third semester of college, things had gotten a little better, I was on a mood stabilizer, along with adderall and vyvanse for my adhd symptoms that came with the disorder, but it would only be a matter of time till I’d see a second massive degression. A girl I can honestly say I was in love with, that I had met at the first of the summer and dated all the way through, she helped me, more than the medication, then, a sense of guilt started to take over. I felt like I was a burden to her, and not just her, but others around me as well. I ended what was saving me everyday from myself and the other person I had turned into suddenly, this wicked man that was not me, but that I had to fight back, I didn’t know I would need help so bad, until I lost her. I had landed an internship with a good company, and felt for a brief moment that I was on top of the world. I pushed her away and eventually ended the relationship. It’s not easy to bring up all this, it does hurt, and laying it all out on a screen, seeing word for word what has happened in my life, it’s something I have a hard time coping with, I do this though to get this out of me, and attempt to move on completely, and be new. It didn’t’ hurt at first, I felt like I had the upper hand, and she fought everyday to get me to open my eyes to what I had done, and win me back over, but I wouldn’t have it. Instead of taking her advice and getting back my love she gave me, I through it in her face. I went out and would find girls that she knew, and sleep with them, and made sure she heard about it. I started to drink again, ignoring my limit and just shove it down my throat till I would be to the point of passing out. I ran from her and God and everyone else that gave a care, I even ran from my parents. Ignoring phone calls and being an asshole to everyone around me became a game to me, at times I honestly enjoyed it, and looking at that now, it makes me cringe to see how dark and twisted I had became. I recall going home for the first weekend since I had left for the summer, and all weekend just going at my parents left and right, because they didn’t know how to deal with something that had just been laid on me. I stayed up one night, and just looked around the house, at baby pictures and many others of me growing up, and for the first time in about three months, I had a heart, and cried like a child. I wanted to go back, I wanted to fix things, this hurt me worse that anything had so far, because I knew it was too late and there was no turning back.
The night I arrived back to Stillwater, Canon had been texting me and wanted to meet up. We talked for awhile, and I kissed her, and I felt it. I asked her to stay the night and she did. Before going to sleep I told her, I can’t promise tomorrow, I can’t promise that this is what I want again, so you’ll know, I’ll either call you tomorrow and tell you I’m ready, or you won’t ever hear from me again. Like a fool, I turned my phone off that day, cowering up and refusing to talk to her or deal with the situation at all. I ran from her, and she broke down. She came to my apartment one night a few weeks later, and knocked on my door, when I opened it I could tell she had been crying. She handed me a letter, and told me she loved me more than I would ever know, and said, if you ever decide to change your mind, come pick me up and take me on a date and we’ll do this again. I laughed, said ok, walked into my bathroom and tossed the letter in the trash. If I had known what was in that letter, my life may be completely different at this very moment.
This is a story that I’ll continue later, the details are in depth, the story is true, the pain still remains, but I’ll throw in a spoiler for you.
By the grace of God I have been saved and did make it through this darkness in my life, and I can promise you can do the same, if I can help anyone, if anyone that reads this and my blog needs something, something in life is defeating them, feel free to contact me and I’d love to talk to you and do whatever I have at my disposal to get you through, and seen what I did. My email is Don’t hesitate to send me your story or situation, and I’ll give you more of mine to see what we can put together to save a life, or a mind.
Always remember this.
Jeremiah 29:11-14
I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
12 "When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen.
13-14 "When you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." God's Decree. "I'll turn things around for you. I'll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you"—God's Decree—"bring you home to the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it.
God Bless
Sunday, March 17, 2013
What drives people? Keeps people going day in and day out and gives them the ideas and fantasies that one day they’ll have a family, or a wife, or a new job or a new car, house, what drives people to have these ambitions and goals. When we were born, day in and day out from that point we were never told, where you are, where you are right now is where you’ll always be, it was always taught that there will be progress, and that one day, not now, but one day we’ll have it all, like a king ruling over a kingdom. Most of this were taught by people that didn’t practice what they preached, they never laid it all on the line and chased the dream they had and caught it. Growing up when asked what you want to be when you’re older, many of us say astronauts, or doctors, lawyers, etc. Why is it that so few of us seize these dreams, dream like a child when we age and still believe they can be accomplished, why are we told we can do anything if we set our minds to it and then suddenly you hit 21 and you’re out of school and that statement is completely switched around. We’re told we’re no good, we’re worthless, we can’t do it, we are not capable. Funny how society works, the same people that were your biggest fans yesterday, are the ones that mock you the next.
LifeChurch I Am New week 2 3/17/13
Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you. (2 Corinthians 5:16-20 MSG)
Throughout this horrible circumstance god was able to do the impossible. Taking what was a true tragedy. Doing what only he can do. And changing the outcome of it.
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. (Romans 8:26-28 MSG)
What was meant for evil in my life. God used it for good. He can bring the good out what we think are the worst situations we could be in. He brings hope.
Sent from my iPad
Friday, March 15, 2013
Missed opportunities
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
I Am Second-Childless
I read a very truthful and hard-hitting message today in a book I highly recommend called I Am Second 365, A 365 day devotion that leads you through your year day by day, leading you through the bible in a year. With all that background story being narrated, now for me to let out my interpretation of the message.
The message was over Abraham and his want for children after many attempts and years of having a child with his wife Sarah, they just couldn’t do it without God’s help. So after years of prayer and patience, The lord delivered them a child gracefully. The point of this story is simple, but something we as christians make so complex. We pray to God with a lack of faith. We ask him to do things for us in our lives with no direction toward him, no strength or courage. God doesn’t call us to ask him or hide the emotions or needs you have. He knows all those already. He simply calls us to tell him what we need done, and he will come through. The thing is, most Christians can’t wait that long, doubting God and even his existence at times, but if your patience can be there, you will find an answer.
God Bless
words better left unspoken
I bet if you sit and ponder the idea of pushing you’ve never considered all the possibilities it has. We can push through doors to get to places in life, push through doors to get opportunities, in the literal sense, we can push through walls to break down racial barriers, to break down opinions and the you can’t do it’s of the doubters that try to break us down on a daily basis. But the only bad thing about pushing, it can destroy a life, because the thing is about pushing, you can push people, and only so much and so far you can push them, until one day, they’re gone.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Church Growth
Amazing weekend and a better ending to sum it all up. I’m a member of a church in Stillwater, Oklahoma called LifeChurch, or as some might know it as It’s crazy to see how much growth is currently happening and the amount of people that our turning their lives over to Christ. Something about being a christian and seeing others join in what inevitably is a life long journey we go throughout on this earth is one of the most encouraging feelings and just rejuvenating. The current series is called NEW, which is, to sum it all up, is about the new life you are given after being born again. I highly encourage this series to anyone and everyone, whether weighed down with troubles, or a completely blissful life, turn it over to him, become NEW.